Ultimate Guide to Johns Hopkins High School Programs
May 8, 2024
John Doe
Johns Hopkins University, a top private institution located in Maryland, boasts a bubbling hub of research activity and is renowned for various STEM fields, particularly biology, medicine, and engineering.
In this post, we go over the best Johns Hopkins high school programs, including key dates, application requirements, eligibility, and more. https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=N3jywbAqfNU Bonus online competition: Check out the International Research Olympiad (IRO)!
This is the premier competition for high school researchers.
Because research is such a crucial part of the pre-med path, demonstrating an aptitude in this skill will reflect positively in your overall college application to top pre-med schools.
Before we start, Rishab Jain, a Harvard student who has achieved success in numerous international competitions has made his FREE Student STEM guide public with a a list of 50+ more opportunities and competitions.
You should definitely check it out after this post.
1. Discover Hopkins (Online) About: A virtual offering, Discover Hopkins allows students to take courses taught by faculty at Johns Hopkins.
Students have the opportunity to earn 1-4 course credits, depending on the class.
Course subjects range from Creative Writing to Anatomy and Physiology.
Eligibility: All high school students Dates: Three sessions: June 26-July 7; July 10-July 21; July 24-August 4 Cost: $1,950 USD per credit
2. Johns Hopkins Engineering Innovation Pre-College Programs About: The Johns Hopkins College of Engineering offers various high school programs that occur over the summer.
Activities in these programs range from taking courses in engineering subjects to designing experiments in labs.
Eligibility: Some programs require taking prerequisite courses such as Algebra II and Physics; generally, programs are open to all high school students Dates: Varies Cost: Ranges from $3,350 to $8,000
3. Discover Hopkins (In-Person) About: The in-person equivalent of the first program in this list, Discover Hopkins allows students to take courses on the Johns Hopkins campus and engage in student activities for 2-4 weeks, depending on the number of courses taken.
Classes occur from Monday to Friday.
Eligibility: All high school students Dates: Three sessions: June 26-July 7; July 10-July 21; July 24-August 4 Cost: Varies
4. JHIBS: The Johns Hopkins Internship in Brain Science Program About: The Johns Hopkins Internship in Brain Sciences (JHIBS) is a summer high school research program that aims to uplift students from underrepresented and/or disadvantaged backgrounds.
Over the course of 8 weeks, participants are mentored in-person by research faculty and conduct hands-on research.
There is an online equivalent of this program, though it lasts 5 weeks.
Eligibility: Current juniors and seniors from underrepresented backgrounds attending schools in Baltimore City Dates: In-person: June 2024
- August 2024; Online: July 2024
- August 2024 Cost: Free; participants receive a stipend
5. Summer Academic Research Experience (SARE) About: The SARE aims to foster interest in biomedical research for students from low-income and under-resourced areas.
SARE scholars have the opportunity to learn skills in research, including experimental design, lab skills, and analytical skills.
Participants are also given mentorship over the course of the 8 weeks of the program.
Eligibility: Under-represented and low income high school students from Baltimore City Dates: TBD Cost: Free
6. ASPIRE High School Mentoring Program Description: An in-person summer program, ASPIRE is open to high school juniors and seniors with the goal of exposing students to various areas of STEM.
Participants learn technical skills, gain exposure to STEM fields through faculty, perform hands-on projects, and participate in group and mentorship sessions.
Eligibility: High school juniors and seniors from the Washington-Baltimore Metro area with a GPA of at least
2. 8 Dates: Begins in the last week of June 2023 and lasts 6-9 weeks Cost: Free Johns Hopkins High School Programs—Concluding Remarks In this post, we provided the best high school programs at Johns Hopkins in 202
4. Participating in such programs opens up a Pandora's box of benefits: gain exposure to fields of interest, support communities, and valuable memories over the course of a summer.
However, don't stop at just these programs.
Check out 50+ additional opportunities in STEM in this curated, comprehensive guide.
Rishab Jain, a Harvard student who has achieved success in numerous international competitions has made this.
Remember, high school competitions and programs can not only be beneficial to place on college applications, but can also provide students with valuable experiences and opportunities for growth.
Best of luck in competing!
Image Credit: Johns Hopkins University.