We've coached 300+ students
Self-Paced Video Masterclass 📚
The A-Z Masterclass offered by sciencefair.io is proven to yield science fair results. Rishab Jain walks through the exact strategies he employed to win competitive research contests, scholarships, and awards. He also provides extensive templates, past applications, and resources to serve as inspiration and help your student every step of the way.
- How to develop and execute upon a winning project idea
- Strategies for ISEF, JSHS, 3M, Thermofisher, and other contests
- How to develop "WOW" factors for judging
- How to give perfect oral and poster presentations
- Templates to design posters & presentations
- Learn to win top STEM scholarships
- Learn to get into competitive summer programs
- Advice to publish your research
- How students can get invited to give talks at conferences
- How to showcase your research experience on college apps
Learn more about the Masterclass below.
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Tuition-based Coaching Programs 🚀
Win top awards and scholarships through our expert coaching programs. With proven strategies and personalized mentorship, past students we've coached have earned hundreds of thousands in awards and scholarships. Our programs are tailored to meet your specific goals at any stage of your science fair journey.
1. ScienceFair.io Launchpad
- Perfect for students to go from 0 to 100 in science fair
2. ScienceFair.io Accelerator
- Ideal for students who already have a project complete and want to maximize its potential
3. ScienceFair.io Summit
- Designed for students ready to take their work beyond the fair
Unlock your potential and set yourself apart from the competition. Learn more about our programs below.
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How we can personalize a bundle for you
Looking to bundle a coaching program plan with the A-Z Masterclass? Schedule a consultation with our sales team to create a bundle plan personalized for your needs.
Not available for a consultation call, or not sure if you are serious yet? Instead fill out this personalization form and our team will get back to you within an hour!