Ultimate Guide to Study for the AP Computer

Apr 5, 2024

John Doe

Introduction The AP Computer Science A Exam is typically one of the more intense and rigorous AP tests that students take.

It can also have a lot of intricate components to it, and preparation for the exam regardless of your abilities is necessary in 202

4. Today, we will be guiding you through everything there is to know about the AP Computer Science A Exam, and teach you the ins and outs of what you need to do in order to score a perfect

5. What is AP Computer Science A?

Should I Even Take the Exam?

AP Computer Science A is a math/science course offered standardly for upperclassmen.

It is usually, but not always, preceded by its more approachable counterpart AP Computer Science Principles, and is meant to extend on the rudimentary principles of coding taught in that class.

The main difference between the classes however does not come from their difficulty, but rather from the coding languages they focus on.

While AP CSP doesn't have any requirements but is typically a survey of Python, AP CSA takes a look at the more object-oriented language of Java.

Having evolved from the previous class's subject of Pascal until 1999 and C++ until 2003, Java is complied and byte code-based and has a fascinating background.

However, you aren't here to learn about the history of the language, you want to know what it entails!

In short, the class is normally organized into about 10 units.

However, these units are mixed and matched and can often times be clubbed into 4 units similar to with AP CSP.

Additionally, with around 2

3. 9% of students scoring a perfect 5 on the exam, it is a class that must be taken seriously if you are going into it with no prior programming experience.

We highly recommend that in preparation for the exam, you take an introduction to computer programming for any language over the summer, as beginners often find themselves struggling to keep up with the intense projects or rigorous coursework.

Ok, but what if I don't like computer science and I'm taking the class?

What then?

First of all, my advice is not to take classes that you don't enjoy just because you think they may "look good to colleges".

Albeit this advice sounds cliché and trite, it is applicable even if impressing colleges is your ultimatum.

Simply replace the course with a different AP or Honors course around a subject that YOU TRULY ENJOY, and most of your problems should dissipate!

In fact, this may actually look better to universities, and after all, compared to other courses, AP CSA just serves for elective credit.

But let's say it's too late.

You've dug yourself this hole and the route out is too far out of reach.

Should you still take the exam?


Not only will the exam, like all others, give you college credit and enable you to bypass at least one year of computer science for a STEM major, but it will also teach your critical skills about the digital world that you can take into almost any job.

Regardless of whether or not your major allows you to accrue college credit or not from the exam, knowing how to code is a cardinal skill for practically anything.

From publishing writing to cataloging food for your cooking gig, this exam can help piece it all together, and studying for it cements it all in your brain.

So don't back down!

At the expense of sounding like many reader's mother, I will say this: go and study!

Who knows?

It may just be good for you.

AP Computer Science A

- What is On the Exam?


So you're going to take the AP CSA test.

What should you actually expect on the exam?

What will the format be?

According to College Board, the official publishers of the exam, the format is as follows: Section I: Multiple Choice  40 Questions | 1 Hour 30 Minutes | 50% of Exam Score The multiple-choice section includes mostly individual questions, occasionally with 1–2 sets of questions (2 questions per set).

Computational Thinking Practices 1, 2, 4, and 5 are all assessed in the multiple-choice section.

Section II: Free Response 4 Questions | 1 Hour 30 Minutes | 50% of Exam Score All free-response questions assess Computational Thinking Practice 3: Code Implementation, with the following focus: Question 1: Methods and Control Structures—Students will be asked to write program code to create objects of a class and call methods, and satisfy method specifications using expressions, conditional statements, and iterative statements.

Question 2: Classes—Students will be asked to write program code to define a new type by creating a class and satisfy method specifications using expressions, conditional statements, and iterative statements.

Question 3: Array/ArrayList—Students will be asked to write program code to satisfy method specifications using expressions, conditional statements, and iterative statements and create, traverse, and manipulate elements in 1D array or ArrayList objects.

Question 4: 2D Array—Students will be asked to write program code to satisfy method specifications using expressions, conditional statements, and iterative statements and create, traverse, and manipulate elements in 2D array objects.

As can be seen, the exam is much longer than the AP CSP exam (only 2 hours) and consists of more intricate topics on the written and multiple choice portions.

In terms of a full overview of everything that is covered on the multiple choice, that is drawn directly from the course curriculum provided by the class.

Specifically, the topics are: Primitive Types Using Objects Boolean Expressions and If Statements Iteration Writing Classes 2D Arrays Array Lists 3D Arrays Inheritance Recursion How to Study for the AP Computer Science A Exam However, it’s not enough to just know what’s going to be on the test.

You must learn it!

So how should you actually go about actually studying for this exam?

Well, the answer is simple: practice, practice, practice.

But not just any practice

- you must employ a specific practice routine that ensures success.

First thing’s first, you MUST ensure that you understand ALL the material at hand.

If you don’t understand a specific topic or subtopic, ask your computer science teacher for help or watch videos through Khan Academy or YouTube that help clarify the topic.

Then, for all of these specific topics, do not broaden your scope and just prioritize completing problems on the exact issue you are facing.

For instance, let's say that you forgot wha the 7 primitive data types are.

Rather than going back and rewatching all of your notes where each primitive type is covered one by one an practicing everything all at once, it would be far better if you simply go back and memorize the list and do practice problems specific to differentiating the 7 types.

This way, you can target and fix the specific problem in and of itself rather than move a hand patching one hole to cover another and bring about a new issue for yourself.

Only once you have resolved the crisis and understand the sub-section's material should you start practicing integrating the data types into other areas of code and seeing what problems arise.

If you repeat this for all of the material that you find unclear, only then can we guarantee that you understand everything in time for the test.

Next, once you’ve understood all of the topics that were not lucid to you, take as many practice tests as you can.

Once again, if past college board practice tests aren’t doing the trick for you, seek out practice exams in Khan Academy or ask your computer science teacher for some (often times practices tests are embedded into the curriculum as well to have you covered).

You could even make your own or generate some with AI (although I will warn you, it is not always the most accurate so this should be a last resort).

Only after you feel confident with what you’ve practiced and are so incredibly mind-numbed that you can envision the polymorphism tree diagram in your sleep should you take a break.

It will be hard, it will be painful, but trust me it will be worth it. "Simplicity, carried to the extreme, becomes elegance. "

- Jon Franklin, Computer Scientist Final Thoughts: What to Do on Exam Day You made it to exam day.

You're ready, and now is not the time to second guess your abilities.

You have done everything in your power until this day to ensure success, and even if you haven't, it is not the time to start and give yourself a miniature heart attack.

Instead, the morning of the exam, focus your attention on ensuring that all of your materials are ready.

This includes MULTIPLE pencils and MULTIPLE erasers for the scratch work.

On top of that, try packing a snack for before the test to supply you with that last minute energy boost.

Now, as a student myself, I know that you may be groaning at that piece of advice.

I personally have a knot formed in my stomach every time before a critical exam, one that even the most fibrous of granola bars doesn't make it through.

However, if you are ALSO like me, food that doesn't necessarily have to be healthy, when consumed at periodic moments throughout the day, delivers massive rushes of dopamine to the brain.

That dopamine, coupled with a few deep breaths and moments of closing one's eyes and resting one's mind before the exam, is what pumps people up and gets them hyper-focused for an exam.

Capitalize on that.

Additionally, if at any point before the exam, you realize that you forgot how to introduce a class object in Java or when to call a function in itself with recursion, don't freak out.

You caught yourself before the test, and should be relieved!

Just calmly find a YouTube video online and watch a tutorial on how to do that specific concept.

In most cases, it would be something that you already knew how to do that nerves drained out of you, and recognition of how to do it will come almost instantly.

Finally, if you still have waves of anxiety flowing through your body, try to put things into perspective.

If you don't get the score that you want, you don't have to send it to colleges.

It's not the end of the world, and will not significantly affect your admissions chances anyways!

Besides, everybody knows that AP tests aren't the best measure of your intelligence anyways, as they are often skewed by College Board and are ultimately just a ploy to make money.

So relax

- you've got this!

Go get that

5. Go show yourself what you've got left inside of you.

Let's do some computer science.

Resource: Interested in STEM?

If you made it to the end of this article, then chances are you are a student who is either a) extremely dedicated and wants to succeed in life, b) passionate about STEM and wants to pursue it in some shape or form, or c) all of the above.

Regardless, if you are interested in extending your STEM knowledge in Computer Science or any other field to the next level, check out our FREE research guide and opportunities course below: https://www. rishabacademy. com/guide.

Start your research journey today